Our Team

Fall 2019 Course Designers

As our team continues to grow, we want to recognize those who made this project possible. This course is only possible because of the dedication and passion our peer mentors, students and course designers have put into this vision.

Lead Instructor:

Sara Collina, JD  shc44@georgetown.edu

Fall 2019 Course Designers:

Maddie Berry

Michael Blank

Maggie Cullina

Casey Doherty

Kayla Friedland

Olivia Horton

Matt Hua

Caitlin Panarella

Julia Pinney

Lily Rubinstein

Fiona Singer

Spring 2020 Peer Mentors:

Michael Blank

Kayla Friedland

Matt Hua

Caitlin Panarella

Julia Pinney

Lily Rubinstein

Fiona Singer

Fall 2020 Peer Mentors:

Maggie Cullina

Kayla Edwards-Friedland

Felicia Miller

Zahra Wakilzada

Katarina Watson

A Special Thanks

We are grateful for the support of the Enhancing and Transforming the Core Curriculum Initiative that supports innovative approaches to transformational learning. They believed in this project from the beginning, and made it all possible.
