Spring 2020 Projects

Here you will find the final projects from the Spring 2020 cohort of students. These projects were presented at our first annual Title IX for a New Generation Colloquium, which can be viewed here.

Rethinking the Professional Role in Sexual Assault Response and Support

Cindy Trần, Siona Sharma, and Emily Schluper

New and Improved Sexual Assault Prevention

Escadar Alemayehu, Katie Flynn, Callia Karas, Felicia Miller, Olivia Mirek, and Katarina Watson

Climate Survey on Sexual Assault Analyses 

Grace Bush and Laila Lapins 

Recommendations for GUPD Prevention 

Samantha Shekarchi and Claire Carney

Georgetown Redefines Masculinity

Andrew Adams, Nicolo Ferretti, Leina Hsu,

Joseph Hofman, and Zahra Wakilzada 

Promoting a New Vision of Title IX 

Charlotte Brosnan, Teodora Lancaster, Kristen Pavlounis, Candice Powers, and Miranda Wesley 

Title IX for a New Generation Next Steps 

Zahra Wakilzada
