Our Course

Deciding on a course number, choosing an attendance policy and figuring out a proper ratio of freshmen to seniors are all examples of the important decisions that go into course design that might often be forgotten. Not only did our Fall 2019 course designers spend hours discussing units, assignments, and readings, they also spent a significant amount of time considering every single other element of the course, from number of seats to the ideal classroom setting. The Title IX for a New Generation Report, a document authored by Olivia Horton (course designer and peer mentor), details much of this decision making process. We hope that the Title IX for a New Generation Course at Georgetown will serve as a model for other universities to support student- centered, student-led courses exploring sexual misconduct on their own campuses.

If you’re interested in transforming the Title IX system on your campus, this report can act as a resource. We firmly believe that offering Title IX for a New Generation as a course will provide students with a platform to learn more about Title IX and have a real impact on changing the system.
